真的佩服RTD 这个故事能用喜剧节奏讲 过场人物一个不落刻下烙印 在剧终 突然安静收场看到最后一句话 突然就哭崩盘 想想人生在世又图什么呢| Hugh和Ben出色的表演配乐非常灵| I am rude, I am vile, I am queer, and I am MYSELF. And we can only hope justice will be done.
this is what i was saying. 当时在一起的时候你情我愿然后分开后就blackmail什么的 休叔开门喊Bunny的画面啧啧~有印象很深刻的一句台词the widow woman falling for a boy who has already been in love with someone else. stupid. 自己也觉得自己超蠢可是没有办法呀